The Enterprise Development and Business Support Services as a department is responsible for the development and implementation of business development strategies and vocational training that support the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises – MSMEs. The Department designs and implements effective Entrepreneurial Development and skills training aimed at fostering economic prosperity thereby realizing Accord’s global vision of a wide spread of economic prosperity.
The EDBSS is primarily focused at providing world-class business initiatives and innovations that guarantee sustainable means of livelihood for the rural poor and disadvantaged urban centres through the application of acquired skills training and small scale enterprise development. The Department is also poised at improving agricultural opportunities for the rural poor to realize their potentials through the creation and development of agribusinesses.
To be at the frontline for Economic Development and sustainability through the harnessing of human, capital and material resources that target vulnerable individuals by initiating strategic programmes and projects that improves the living standards of the rural to urban poor by leveraging on partnerships from stakeholders in the global sphere.
Accord for Community Development is a frontline development institution based in Nigeria.
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