Peace Building Workshop at Assa Ochia Communities Held on The 31st of August 2017

Peace Building Workshop at Assa Ochia Communities Held on The 31st of August 2017

The overal objectives of the training workshop was to introduce participants the needs for peace embassadors in their communities. Additionaly, the training would also give oppourtunities to presents and discuss various cause of conflicts in the communities. The effect of conflict to communities, development and midaition process was projected during the training.

The training workshop was opened at about 10: 30 PMwith a welcome statement from Deputy Director Accord for community development. Followed by introduction of Accord staff, names of particiapnts and community they represents.


Mr Vicor Akubor introduced participants of the workshop into the topics, the principles of peacebuilding and confliction resolution and method of midiation in conflicts situation in the community.

Some of the highlights presentations on peace building conflicts resolution were:

  • The definition of conflict, he defined conflicts as a form of natural competition over percieved or actual incompatable goals and values.
  • The positive and nagative effect of conflict was presented and discussed during the workshop with participants.
  • The various sourses of conflicts in the community were presented, they are” spiritual conflict. The spiritual conflict occure when the original ancestors are being seperated from God and nagative influence from evil spiritual forces. The individual conflict is caused by interest value culture of the people. The national and international sources of conflict is been caused by policies and influence domination over smaller country.
  • The various steps of conflict resolution are reconciliation renewal of relationships from communities, friends and companies. In carrying out reconciliation, people should give up on retaliation and help to make others change on their view concerning conflict and retaliation in the community.
  • The action that could lead to peace in the community are humility of individuals living in the community. Individual should admites not to always be right, community members sholud also try to learn from other people who especially the peace embasadors in the community.
  • Other actions that could lead to peace in the commuity is generosity, the act of giving beyound convenience giving without expectation and return from people living in the community.
  • Marthin Luther King Jr  “view on conflict, he siad we never rid of an enemy by meeting hate with hate but we get rid of an enemy by getting rid of enmity.
  • Christ Jesus view on peace I say to you, love your enemies and pray fo those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your father in heaven Mathew 5:44:46.
  • The attitude of peace ambassador, the ability to show concerns on both side during conflict in the society group of individuals. And ambassador should also try as much as possible to affirm the value of both the rival groups in conflict. Gain trust of both side by trying to treat each group fairly in discussing conflict resolution in the community. In resolving conflict peace embassador should encourage a win-win situation in conflict resolution peroid. In such situation nobody is a winner or looser.

Accord’s Findings that Spur Up the Peace Building Workshop…

Causes of Conflict in Assa Community

  1. Selfishness of leaders in the community
  2. Vengeance
  3. Ignorance
  4. Forgiveness
  5. Leadership Tussle
  6. Government Influence
  7. Underdevelopment
  8. Oil Exploitation
  9. Cultism
  10. Unemployment
  11. Spill from neighboring Communities

Solutions to Assa Community Conflict:

  1. Youth Engagement via Employment
  2. Provision of basic and social Amenities
  3. Provision of Adequate Security
  4. Orientation and re-orientation of the people
  5. Fairness on the side of the oil companies operating in the area.


 Causes of Conflict in Ochia:

  1. Lack of Social Amenities in our community
  2. Lack of Engagement of youths in Community Affairs, Employment and Skill Acquisition
  3. Greed and Exploitation
  4. Marginalization of Ochia Youths by Oil and gas companies
  5. Poor Orientation from Oil companies and our representatives to the Youths
  6. Lack of good relationship between the oil companies and the youth
  7. Implementation gap between the Youth, Community and Oil Companies
  8. Bad Leadership and fulfilment of the MoU and GMoU

Solutions to Ochia Conflict:

  1. Provision of Social Amenities
  2. Provision of Youth Employment and Youth Empowerment
  3. Accountability
  4. Good Relationship between oil companies and Ochia Youth
  5. Conducting of regular Seminars and workshops between Oil Companies and Ochia Youth
  6. Implementation, Fulfilment and Proper Leadership
  7. Efficient Communication from Companies to the communities.

Photographs showing Mr Victor Akubor explaining the effect of conflict in the community

Cross section pictures during conflict training workshop for Ochia & Assa communities

Photograph showing participants during the workshop

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